
I was interested to stumble upon your website a few weeks back. There are
many sites devoted to biblical gematria, but precious few are worth
anything. So it was a pleasant surprise to come across a site that has lots
of new information concerning the numerical structure of the Bible.
I particularly liked the tessellation you came up with for Genesis, chapter
1. Very impressive, indeed!

I was further impressed with your awareness that the 37th word of the Bible
begins with the 137th letter. I thought I was the only person who was aware
of this until I read your webpage.
As you must surely know, 137 is extremely close to the reciprocal of the
all-important fine structure constant, which governs the interaction between
photons and electrons, i.e. it is the interface between light and matter.
The actual value of the reciprocal of alpha (the fine structure constant) is
137.036. Amazingly, the Bible itself seems to be giving us this data at the
very place where this feature occurs.
The 137th letter is the 'he', importantly the definite article prefixed to
the 37th word, thereby giving the word added emphasis. What this also means
is that 36 words have preceded the text up to this point. We might therefore
use some licence and write this as 137.036, where 137 represents the 137th
letter, and 036 represents the 36 words preceding this 137th letter. A
decimal point separates the letter count from the word count, while a zero
digit is prefixed to the 36 to make both sides - the 137 and the 036 -
representative in base ten. This encoding is not as fanciful as it might at
first appear.
The 137th letter is prefixed to form the word 'haowr', i.e. 'the light'; and
alpha specifically relates to light. Moreover this very word, 'the light',
is distinguished by its context, for at this very point in the text we are
told that Elohim is making a distinction between 'the light' and 'the
darkness'. In effect, at word 37 God is in the very act of making a
distinction between light and matter! And this distinction is encoded with
the number 137.036 = inverse alpha, being the 137th letter - the definite
article 'he' as prefix to form the word 'the light' - which follows on from
the 036th word.
This feature is well worth taking time over. Unlike some Bible critics, I
believe that these first few verses of Genesis have great scientific value
and inform us that God made light and matter. And if that is what they are
saying, we ought to think long and hard about what light actually is,
especially in regards to where it is used in relation to Christ, such as at
the beginning of John's gospel.

Here is an image on this issue and a link to Wikipedia added by me (Frank Colijn):


The sum of the letter places of the two words 'between the light' in verse Gen.1:4 is: 31+32+33+34+35+36+37=238. This is the number value of the last two words of Gen.1:3: and there was light, : 207+31=238. From the start of the bible the sum of the letter places of the two words 'between the light' in verse Gen.1:4 is: 134+135+136+137+138+139+140=959, which is of course 7x137.


Here is a link to the website of Vernon Jenkins. He made also some observations concerning the alpha constant.
I made an image from his calculation so it's easy to understand. The first five digits are correct, the zero's and the decimal point are ignored.


There is a strong geometrical complementarity to the numbers 37 and 137.
This is not the time to go into it, suffice to say that they pair up many
times in the New Jerusalem cube. One day I will get round to expounding on
the sublime mathematical and numero-geometrical features of this most
astounding of structures. The Lord has blessed me with much knowledge of the
orientation of this structure from the Bible, and the findings have been
breathtaking, to say the least. Briefly in regard to the relationship
between 137 and 37, the number 137 is internal to both the square and the
cube of 37, depicting the axes of symmetry. The number 37 is really the key.

Onto another matter, that of the prime numbers. I note that you have
accorded the number 1 prime status. You might be interested to know that
another gentleman has given the number 1 similar treatment, and for similar
reasons. Try a google search of the word 'fivedoves' and you will get the
fivedoves website. Scroll down to an article entitled 'Does God think 1 is
For my part, I beg to differ on this matter, and concur with the universal
opinion of mathematicians that the number 1 is unique, being neither prime
nor composite. Therefore for your calculations to work concerning prime
numbers - or, more particularly, prime indices - to my mind they would need
to be rephrased as 'non-composite numbers' rather than as primes. I know
this seems like picking hairs, but I agree with the universal majority on
this particular one and believe the number 1 to be the portal from which all
primes proceed, but not itself prime.
Prime indices are not something to which I am strongly drawn, and I will
admit I don't put much stock in them or in calculations that stem from them.
I have yet to see anything to change my mind on this matter. The only points
to have impressed me at all in regard to prime indices are that the value of
'Israel', 541, is the 100th prime; and the value of 'the Word', 443, is the
86th prime (= Elohim). I therefore also hold to 37 and 73 having palindromic
prime indices of 12 and 21, and 373 having a prime index of 74. I have yet
to see convincing evidence otherwise.

Nice touch with words number 64 and 37! 'And he made the light' is indeed
attributable to Jesus Christ. The reference to the Hebrew word 'yeshu', and
the anagram 'yeshua', are also of some interest both as contractions for
'yehoshua' (Jesus) and as meaning 'salvation'.
As an aside, the sum of 64 + 37 = 101 has a tale to tell. 101 is the 26th
prime (by my reckoning) and is the value of the name Zebulun (through
inclusion of the two vav letters, one either side of the lamed). The tribe
of Zebulun were represented on the breastplate by the tarshish stone,
identifiable as citrine quartz. This stone has a golden orange hue, and the
tribe of Zebulun eventually settled in the Netherlands many centuries after
being displaced from the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The colour of the
tarshish stone remains the Dutch national colour to this day!

Another thing I like about your work is the detail regarding letter
positions in the text. To find the 1849th letter as the yod in the first
appearance of YHWH is noteworthy, as are the related properties of the
number 260. These details I regard as significant.
Unfortunately I have no interest in gematria outside the standard method
(Ragil). Having too many methodologies is undesirable because it makes it
too easy to cheat to make the results fit an hypothesis. I feel the same
about ELS, and have never seen anything impressive using that methodology.

All in all I think you have done a good job with your website. I'm always on
the lookout for new findings relating to gematria in the Bible, and your
website is a breath of fresh air compared to much of the rubbish that is out

My own areas of specialisation lie in the breastplate and in the New
Jerusalem cube. I haven't published anything as yet, but have a few webpages
that are waiting to get published. Should you wish to correspond more on
these and other matters, I would be happy to share my findings.

I trust that, like many Dutch people, you are able to read English well.
Keep up the good work, and hope that we might be able to correspond in due

Stephen Coneglan

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